How to Improve Post-harvest Quality in Fresh Produce

Factors affecting post-harvest quality are determined by harvest time, method, and fresh produce maturity. Subsequent postharvest handling during precooling, sorting, grading, packaging, storage, and transport conditions will also influence fresh produce quality and marketing time. Significant differences exist in postharvest technology between developing and developed countries. Fresh produce is highly perishable and suffers from physical… Continue reading…

Optimizing Quality and Shelf Life with Fruit Ripening Programs

Fruit ripening programs artificially ripen climacteric fruits and degreen non-climacteric citrus fruits. The fruit ripening program has to be designed to ensure that all quality parameters are developed to give the targeted color, taste, and flavor. Each fruit’s ripening program has specific recommendations to adjust the environment and ethylene concentrations to get the desired fruit… Continue reading…

The Impact Transpiration Has on Fruit Quality

Fruit transpiration occurs through the fruit skin, lenticels, calyx, and stem scar. Preharvest fruit transpiration is good as it drives the accumulation of assimilated and dry matter to improve fruit quality. Postharvest fruit transpiration is undesirable, leading to shriveling, weight loss, wilting, loss of quality, shelf-life, and reduced profitability. Fruit transpiration causes most weight loss… Continue reading…

Navigating Agtech: Expert Responses to 10 Common Questions About the Agricultural Technology Industry

There is an explosion of innovative agtech development and production. The amount of information can sometimes be overwhelming but is also fragmented, making it challenging to understand all aspects of agtech. Therefore, we are answering common questions about agtech to provide the big picture to help people make an informed choice. How can agriculture tech… Continue reading…

Top 105 Essential Resources for Agriculture Professionals: Updated for 2023

In the constantly evolving world of agriculture, professionals must remain up-to-date with the latest information and technologies in order to maximize efficiency and reduce waste. Felix Instruments is committed to creating the world’s most precise, portable, and non-destructive measurement tools to support these goals. With this updated list of the top 100 essential resources for… Continue reading…

Ethylene Measurement & Rootstock Influence in Apple

How Rootstocks Influence Apple Fruit Quality and Yield   Besides influencing tree growth and yield of scion cultivars, rootstocks also affect fruit maturity in apples. The experiment found a climacteric pattern, where ethylene production, respiration rates, and oxygen consumption peaked after 5–7 days in fruits produced from all rootstocks. The 17 rootstocks have significant differences… Continue reading…

Irradiated Avocados: Testing Gamma Treatment for Postharvest Pest Control

Quarantine pests threaten avocado yield and export, but adequate methods of control do not currently exist. Gamma radiation of fruit as a possible postharvest treatment was evaluated, but the treatment was not found to be ideal. The experiment discusses the effects of gamma treatment on sensory and internal quality parameters and correlates it to physiological… Continue reading…

Guide to Fresh Fruit Quality Control

Quality control is essential because fruits are perishable and delicate and can be affected by handling, storage conditions, weather, pests and diseases, internal changes, and genetics. Accurate fruit quality assessment is critical on the farm, as well as during packaging, storage, transport, artificial ripening, retailing, and research. Internal fruit quality, ripening gas analysis in storage… Continue reading…

Gas analysis to extend shelf life in sweet potato

Partnering with the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research – Savanna Agricultural Research Institute, Issah Sugri and his team are using the F-900 Portable Ethylene Analyzer to glean crucial insights into important commodities in Ghana. Armed with this data, the team is able to advise farmers and policy makers on low-cost methods to decrease postharvest losses and increase economic prosperity in the region.

Downloads for F-900 Portable

F-900 Software & Firmware Downloads Software The “F-900 Package Setup” installs the latest versions of the Firmware Update Tool and F-900 Controller. More information about these two programs can be found below.   Firmware Update Tool Allows for installation of the newest firmware releases onto F-900 units. The latest firmware version can be downloaded below.… Continue reading…