
What Are Kiwifruit Harvest Maturity Indices and Why Are They Important?

October 15, 2024 at 4:31 pm | Updated October 15, 2024 at 4:31 pm | 12 min read

Dry matter content and soluble sugars are two quality parameters widely used as harvest maturity indices for kiwifruits. Dry matter is increasingly becoming the standard harvest maturity index because it is correlated to postharvest taste, consumer acceptance, and storability of kiwifruits. The two harvest maturity indices are used as they can be estimated non-destructively in… Continue reading…

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Additional reading

How Does Controlled Atmosphere Storage Extend Fruit Shelf-Life?

Controlled atmosphere temperature and relative humidity are critical for ripening and storage. The three gases that need to be measured and controlled are ethylene, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. Several conditions, including gas composition, are reversed during the ripening and storage stages of the supply chain. Each postharvest stage of fresh produce requires specific conditions to… Continue reading…

How Degreening of Citrus Fruits Enhances Appearance and Quality

Artificial degreening changes only citrus peel color and does not affect other quality parameters. Several citrus factors, like maturity at harvest and cultivar-specific ethylene sensitivity, will influence degreening success. Postharvest degreening is the standard procedure and requires careful consideration of cultivars to determine atmosphere conditions, ethylene concentrations, and exposure duration to achieve the desired results.… Continue reading…

Postharvest Technology for Non-Climacteric Fruits: Best Practices and Benefits

Non-climacteric fruits have a short storage life as they must be harvested ripe. Several steps, like precooling and treatments, prepare the non-climacteric fruits for quality retention. Modified atmospheric packaging, controlled atmospheric storage, and different packaging systems maintain suitable environmental conditions during storing, transportation, and marketing to extend shelf life. Ripening is the last stage of… Continue reading…

How the Fruit Ripening Process Affects Freshness and Quality

Respiratory rate, ethylene sensitivity, and production are the main criteria for differentiating ripening patterns. Respiratory peaks that trigger ethylene production start the ripening process in climacteric fruits. Ethylene sensitivity, production, and respiration hike are minimal or absent in non-climacteric fruits. Several fruits show varying degrees of ethylene sensitivity and production and defy neat classification in… Continue reading…

How to Improve Mango Quality: Latest Research Findings from 2023

Research on mango in 2023 focuses on finetuning available information, whether postharvest treatment or optimizing chemometric models. Studies are increasingly focused on investigating underlying enzyme activity and gene expressions to find why and how observed quality changes occur. The emphasis is on optimizing quality not just for profits but also to make food production more… Continue reading…

Fruit Cuticle Impact on Postharvest Quality: What You Need to Know

The cuticle is crucial in the postharvest stages as it is the interface between fruits and external biotic and abiotic conditions. Cuticle impact on postharvest quality has several protective functions and is a barrier to water loss, mechanical injuries, UV light, and pest and microbial attacks. It can also alter postharvest fruit firmness and appearance.… Continue reading…