Food science articles

Spectrophotometry in 2023
Spectrophotometers have come a long way from the first model invented in 1940. Miniaturized and combined with other modern technology, these devices now have a wide range of research and practical applications in food, medical, industrial, and environmental fields. This article focuses on the reasons for the popularity of spectrophotometry techniques. Principle of Spectrophotometry Light… Continue reading…
Gas Analysis for Humane Poultry Euthanasia
On-farm euthanasia is sometimes necessary. The method for this type of euthanasia must be efficient and easy, as it is performed by a single operator. The procedure must also be humane and, in many places, it must meet stringent governmental standards. It must also meet the demands of consumers, and be sensitive to the conditions… Continue reading…
Pears and Pruning: Non-Destructive Dry Matter Measurement in Pears
Dry matter has been gaining popularity as a quality metric in fruit production to fix harvest time and predict postharvest quality and taste. There is a renewal of research in many fruits to optimize fruit quality and yield using this new metric. Though these developments, themselves, are exciting, new technologies to measure dry matter are… Continue reading…
Assessing Antioxidant Content in Tomatoes with NIR Spectroscopy
Tomatoes are laden with many healthy phytochemicals, including antioxidants, that make them a valuable food commodity. Measuring changes in the levels of phytochemicals during maturity leading to harvest and postharvest is crucial to producing nutritious tomatoes. To analyze antioxidants in the supply chain, scientists tested the effectiveness of near-infrared spectrometers to replace accurate yet laborious… Continue reading…
Measuring Gas Exchange in Biosynthesis of Phytochemicals
Scientists are constantly searching for reliable and affordable sources of medicines. It is well known that many plants have medicinal value and trace amounts of the phytochemicals of interest. However, the production of medicines from these plants requires that harvesting and extraction be in amounts that allow the process to remain sustainable. One study that… Continue reading…
Vis-NIR Spectroscopy for Mandarins
Mandarin is among the fruits for which the application of VIS-NIR spectroscopy techniques has been widely tested by scientists. It has been proven to be suitable to assess dry matter, total soluble solids, titrable acidity, and firmness with great accuracy. There are many applications for this internal data to determine the maturity, health, and quality… Continue reading…
NIR for Grapes
Portable devices based on near-infrared and visible light spectroscopy have revolutionized grape analysis in the vineyard, supply chain, and the processing of grape products. These new tools can be used to gather rapid and precise information on the chemical composition, nutritional value, and physiology of grapes. In this article, we provide a brief overview of… Continue reading…
Quality Olive Oil Using Dry Matter Estimation
Due to its health benefits, olive oil’s global popularity has grown substantially in recent years, making the olive one of the most extensively grown crops in the world. Since there are different grades of olive oil produced, it is necessary to be able to optimize for both oil quantity and quality. The color index method… Continue reading…
Natural Alternatives for Postharvest Avocado Storage
Due to the rising preference for organic food, it is becoming necessary to replace chemical coating on fruits with natural alternatives. Recent studies from South Africa have found a potential replacement for avocados, which could substantially reduce postharvest losses. A small handheld ethylene measuring device played a key role in this exciting new research. Avocado… Continue reading…
In-line VIS-NIR Spectroscopy for Produce Sorting
Consumers expect that the fruits and vegetables they buy are of the highest quality. Therefore, more in-depth quality control and sorting systems are increasingly being used to ensure that supplies reaching retailers meet the required standards. Many fruits and vegetables today are still sorted mostly on the basis of external features such as color, size,… Continue reading…