Food science articles

NIR for Nectarines and Peaches
Quality parameters are useful in various stages of a supply chain and are used for different purposes. In peaches and nectarines, the quality parameters have been used to estimate maturity, select fruits for processing, and monitor quality. Near Infra-red (NIR) spectroscopy can be used for the non-destructive, rapid, and cost-effective chemical analysis of the internal… Continue reading…
NIR for Plums
Quality parameters in plums (Prunus domestica) can be estimated non-destructively by near-infrared spectroscopy to improve harvest and post-harvest management. It has the advantage of being able to analyze internal characteristics of the fruit, such as soluble sugars content, acidity, firmness, taste, and internal color. Consistent monitoring can ensure consumer satisfaction and improve the prices producers… Continue reading…
NIR for Cherries
Visual to near-infrared spectroscopy (Vis-NIR) is widely used in the supply chain to optimize the production of fruits. The application of this versatile technique is being tested and tried for an increasing number of fresh produce. Recent research shows which internal parameters in cherries can be estimated non-destructively by NIR spectroscopy. Based on their findings,… Continue reading…
NIR Spectroscopy for Persimmons
Visible and Near-infrared spectroscopy can improve the monitoring and control of persimmon quality at several stages of fruit production. Persimmon is a soft-fleshed fruit that can be easily damaged during transport and storage. The quality of the fruit at harvest, along with management during storage and transport, will determine its condition at retailing. Therefore, some… Continue reading…
Avocado, Kiwi and Mango Quality Meters Raise Expectations for their Simplicity of Handling and Savings
Felix Instruments Application Scientist, Eric Munoz-Garcia, visited Valencia, Spain last week to put on a couple different workshops for our Avocado Quality Meter! Poscosecha was there and had this to say about the events: Bayex Overseas, is a company that exports avocados and represents, in Valencia, the Brokaw nurseries, specialized in tropical species, of Malaga. Taking advantage… Continue reading…
Spectroscopy in Agriculture
Spectroscopy is a sensitive technology that allows precise analysis of food and is used for quality control. Infrared spectroscopy, ultraviolet-visual, Raman, nuclear magnetic resonance, and atomic emission spectroscopies are commonly used in agriculture. The incorporation of these spectroscopies into small portable devices has increased the application of these techniques. This article will briefly highlight the… Continue reading…
Dry Matter Estimation of Forage Crops by Near-Infrared Technology
The importance of dry matter (DM) estimation is well established in animal nutrition. Dry matter estimation of forage crops is so important that it is conducted several times between farm and trough. It is, therefore, surprising that the methods used for dry matter estimation are usually traditional, and the use of near-infrared (NIR) based tools… Continue reading…
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Chemical Production
Near-infrared spectroscopy’s application in agricultural and food production is well established. Given its proven abilities to monitor chemical composition qualitatively and quantitatively, it is being used inline and online in the production of several organic compounds. Some of the early users of near-infrared spectroscopy in the chemical industry are producers of pharmaceuticals, resins, amino acids,… Continue reading…
Applications of NIRS in Food Authentication
Establishing the authenticity of fresh and processed products is a vital segment of the food sector. Most food is transported long distances and consumers have become more conscious of the quality and health implications of the food they eat. As such, trust in suppliers and personal knowledge of products is being replaced by a growing… Continue reading…
NIR Use in the Pulp Industry
NIR spectroscopy can be used in the pulp industry at many critical points for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the chemical composition of feedstock and pulp. The precise and rapid estimation methods make predictions of a variety of quality parameters that help in raw material selection, processing, and product control. Several types of desktop… Continue reading…