Food science articles

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Applications of NIRS in Food Authentication

Establishing the authenticity of fresh and processed products is a vital segment of the food sector. Most food is transported long distances and consumers have become more conscious of the quality and health implications of the food they eat. As such, trust in suppliers and personal knowledge of products is being replaced by a growing… Continue reading…

NIR Use in the Pulp Industry

NIR spectroscopy can be used in the pulp industry at many critical points for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the chemical composition of feedstock and pulp. The precise and rapid estimation methods make predictions of a variety of quality parameters that help in raw material selection, processing, and product control. Several types of desktop… Continue reading…

What NOT To Do When Ripening Fruit

For years, Catalytic Generators has researched various methods of multiple geographic locations to better understand the cultural and environmental factors growers face daily. From this, we have developed a quick and convenient list of what not to do when ripening and degreening fruit. What not to do…. Back your car up and use exhaust fumes… Continue reading…

Poder del Laboratorio en la Palma de tu Mano

Descargue las diapositivas de presentación aquí.

Consistency is Key: Best Practices for Measurement of Dry Matter & Brix with NIR

This webinar features a popular line of tools from our Felix Instruments side, the F-751 Quality Meters. These tools use a near-infrared spectrometer to gauge the maturity of different types of produce. We have had quite a few people asking about the best ways to scan the produce and how many scans they need to… Continue reading…

Fuzzy Data: Measuring Dry Matter & Brix Non-Destructively in Kiwi [WEBINAR RECORDING]

Q&A What is the correlation between DMC and SSC in relation to the harvest date in Kiwifruit? Different regions have different target DM and target SSC.  These are often set by the local growers’ trade organization or by the packing house and sometimes set differently for fruit bound for domestic sale or export.  General values… Continue reading…

Oxygen in Post Harvest: Monitoring & Control

The rate of post-harvest respiration is one of the primary physiological processes monitored during storage, transport, handling, sorting, and sales to ensure the quality of fresh produce and to cut losses. Measuring levels of oxygen is one of the methods used to assess respiration. There are many methods of gas analysis that are used in… Continue reading…

WEBINAR: Invisible Forces: Innovative Uses of Gas Analysis in Cold Storage, Ripening and Food Innovation

View the webinar slides below: Invisible Forces: Innovative Uses of Gas Analysis in Cold Storage, Ripening and Food Innovation from CID Bio-Science

Upcoming Webinar: Invisible Forces: Innovative Uses of Gas Analysis in Cold Storage, Ripening and Food Innovation

Managing atmospheric gases plays a critical role in the development of harvested fruit in ripening, storage and packaging, while progressive strategies in this area add value, enhance market access and reduce losses. Join us for our upcoming webinar – Invisible Forces: Innovative Uses of Gas Analysis in Cold Storage, Ripening and Food Innovation and discover how… Continue reading…

Differences In Dry Matter: Organic Produce vs. Conventional Fresh Produce

Given the growing importance of organic farming, it is necessary to find out if the chemical composition of fresh produce grown organically differs from conventionally produced food. Dry matter content is one of the components that have been used to evaluate the differences. Since dry matter is an important indicator of quality, the difference in… Continue reading…