Food science articles

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A Fresh Perspective on Produce Storage

Food security and the quality of products are two vital aspects that concern not only producers, but also planners and governments. Nearly half of the fresh produce is lost, but much of this loss can be prevented by using technological solutions that have been tried and tested. A new wave of innovations has miniaturized techniques,… Continue reading…

First Conference of 2020!

Did you see us at the 70th Agronomic Congress of Chile recently?  Our representative had a great time and enjoyed speaking with everyone!  Keep an eye out for upcoming confernces as well because conference season 2020 (let’s be honest, it’s most of the year) is about to begin here at Felix Instruments and we’ve got… Continue reading…

How Many Samples do I Need? A Formula for our Quality Meters!

Have you looked at our Produce Quality Meters including the Avocado, Mango, and Kiwi specific models but aren’t sure how many samples you would take?  Here is an excerpt from an article written by Jeremy Walsh and Kerry Walsh of Central Queensland University that covers this topic: So how many samples should be taken, i.e.,… Continue reading…

“When are my Mangoes Ready for Harvest?”

Our F-751 Mango Quality Meter measures brix and dry matter of the fruit non-destructively both on and off the tree making it useful for breeders, growers, packers, and shippers!  Recently, we have had several people asking what the optimal range of dry matter and brix should be for Mangoes to be harvested (Keitt and Kent)… Continue reading…

A Quality Meter for Researchers using Near Infrared Spectroscopy

The primary focus in crop research has been prediction and management of fruit quality parameters. Moreover, the concept of fruit quality at maturity as a predictor of later post-storage quality is being increasingly exploited in breeding programs to develop varieties that can successfully meet consumer demands. Scientists are increasingly turning to portable visual NIR spectroscopies… Continue reading…

SIAGRO International Exhibition of Food Industries & Techniques

In less than 1 month over 30,000 attendees and over 120 exhibitors will flood Dakar, Senegal, for one of the biggest food events of the year in Africa!  This will be the 1st annual event and they’ve laid out their goals for this conference directly on their website saying, “Contributing to the development of local… Continue reading…

Now You’re Speakin My Language!

Did you know our F-750 and F-751 Quality Meters can operate in 4 different languages? This includes our original F-750 Produce Quality Meter, F-751 Avocado Quality Meter, F-751 Mango Quality Meter, and our new F-751 Kiwi Quality Meter! Currently, we have these languages available on the instruments: English Spanish Portuguese Chinese To change the language on… Continue reading…

A Quality Meter for the Mango Supply Chain

Mangoes are one of the major tropical fruits produced and exported globally. Efficiently producing and supplying fruits can increase profits for the stakeholders in the industry. The use of NIR spectroscopy to measure mango maturity at harvest time by estimating dry matter is well documented. A little known fact is that NIR spectroscopy can also… Continue reading…

NIR Spectroscopy in Animal Production

With meat consumption steadily increasing each year, long-distance trade and storage in animal products are an essential aspect of the industry. The role of portable Near-Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy in optimizing meat production is not widely known. This technology can single-handedly replace numerous hazardous analytic methods to measure the quality and internal composition of meat at… Continue reading…

NIR Spectroscopy for Post-Harvest Fresh Produce Supply Chain

Near Infra-red (NIR) spectroscopy is a powerful tool that can make the fresh produce supply more transparent and reduce food waste. Moreover, it can increase competitiveness during price fixation. NIR spectroscopy is now available in portable devices that can monitor the quality of fresh produce which results from conditions they are subjected to in various… Continue reading…