Mango Quality Meter Webinar and Official Launch – July 30th

July 24, 2019 at 12:12 am | Updated July 24, 2019 at 12:12 am | < 1 min read


Tuesday July 30th @ 8am & 8pm Pacific Time

  • Measure mango dry matter and Brix in seconds.
  • Map and visualize crop dry matter measurements.
  • Accurately harvest planning.
  • Verify incoming fruit maturity.

Join us for the official launch and live demonstration of the all new Mango Quality Meter on Tuesday, July 30. Morning and evening live broadcasts to fit your schedule.

Sign up for the live 8AM broadcast

Sign up for the live 8PM broadcast

New tech comes to the mango industry…

The measurement of mango dry matter has been plagued for years by 2 problems. 1) Using a microwave or dehydrator takes a long time to gather measurements and 2) Gathering dry matter is inherently destructive – it destroys the mango and by default, eats into profits.

So, we created a solution.

With NIR-based technology and an easy-to-use interface, the Mango Quality Meter enables ANY grower or distributor personnel to take many dry matter and Brix measurements, in the field or the packing house, with the simpe push of a button. A measurement takes seconds and can be done while the fruit is still on the tree or in the cold chain. With easier data capture and visualization with crop mapping application, FruitMaps™, growers can accurately ensure they harvest at exactly the right time, while distributors and quality assurance can more efficiently verify incoming fruit quality.