Visit With Us @ the World Avocado Congress in Medellín, Columbia!

Scott Trimble

September 20, 2019 at 2:26 am | Updated May 2, 2022 at 6:51 am | < 1 min read

Join Felix Instruments president, Leonard Felix, and application scientist, Eric Munoz-Garcia, at this coming week’s World Avocado Congress and get a hands-on demo with the Avocado Quality Meter!

Using near-infrared-based technology, the Avocado Quality Meter measures avocado dry matter in seconds, reducing what has for years taken hours or days to measure, to mere seconds. Built for avocado growers and QA personnel alike, the Avocado Quality Meter is revolutionizing the avocado industry, one blast of near-infrared light at a time.

Would you like to meet with us directly? Email me here and I will set you up with a consultation…