Kiwifruit Tech Talk: Application Scientist Galen George Talks About the F-751 Quality Meter

Hunter Weber

May 15, 2023 at 7:24 pm | Updated May 15, 2023 at 7:24 pm | < 1 min read


Application Scientist Galen George talks about the F-751 Kiwifruit Quality Meter.

To watch the full talk, click below:

We recently hosted a successful tech breakfast in partnership with Start Afresh – The Horticultural Innovators, where we explored the F-751 Kiwifruit Quality Meter. This innovative device utilizes NIR technology for non-destructive and rapid maturity testing. We are thrilled to share the latest results of our three-plus-year collaboration with our New Zealand partners in the kiwifruit sector.

We invite you to watch the video and learn more about this technology. Don’t miss this opportunity to discover how the F-751 Kiwifruit Quality Meter, developed with the expertise of our New Zealand collaborators, can help you enhance your productivity and quality control.

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