Improving Fruit Quality and Grower Decision Making: An Interview with Dr. Ioannis Minas

Hunter Weber

April 12, 2023 at 5:40 pm | Updated April 12, 2023 at 5:40 pm | < 1 min read

Assistant Professor Dr. Ioannis Minas from Colorado State University joined us recently to discuss his research and give a behind-the-scenes look at how he uses the F-750 Produce Quality Meter. Our Director of Applied Science, Galen George, and Dr. Minas discussed how traditional fruit quality testing methods are being replaced by modern technology. Dr. Minaz has been able to delve deeper into his research and better understand how to measure the maturity of produce using NIR spectroscopy.

NIR spectroscopy is used to non-destructively test fruit’s dry matter and brix in seconds, while traditional methods are inaccurate or require wasteful and tedious techniques. In this interview, we wanted to gain insight into how Dr. Minas uses spectroscopy and how he plans to help get it into the hands of more growers. Don’t miss out on this formative interview. Watch or read how NIR spectroscopy is changing the agriculture industry for the better.