Redagricola 2023 Was a Success!

Hunter Weber

June 1, 2023 at 5:23 pm | Updated June 1, 2023 at 6:30 pm | 2 min read

Hi, Redagricola 2023 Attendees,

We wanted to take a moment and thank each of you who dropped by the Felix Instruments booth at the recent tradeshow in Chile. Your keen interest, engaging discussions, and genuine curiosity about our technology truly made our experience at the event.

Chatting about how our devices can boost operational efficiency, enhance precision, and support sustainability was wonderful. The invaluable feedback and enthusiasm we received further solidified our dedication to delivering customized solutions that cater to your distinct requirements.

If you want to dive deeper into Felix Instruments’ offerings, we encourage you to continue checking out our website. We’ve got plenty of insightful articles and videos to give you a closer look at our range of products, what they can do, and how they might be a great fit for your fruit production processes. Plus, it’s the best way to stay updated with our latest developments, case studies, and upcoming events.

So, here’s another big thank you for making our time at Redagricola 2023 so memorable. We’re excited to continue this conversation and look forward to meeting you at the next tradeshow!

If you wanted more information at the show but didn’t have the chance, please go here for a quote and contact information!