Sweetness Predicted: AI Revolutionizes Citrus Fruit Quality Assessment

Hunter Weber

June 6, 2023 at 4:38 pm | Updated June 6, 2023 at 4:38 pm | < 1 min read

In her groundbreaking research at NUST, Dr. Ayesha Zeb sought to simplify the assessment of citrus fruit sweetness. The Produce Quality Meter was revolutionary – quickly gathering data from various citrus fruits. Paired with an AI model, the precise data collected led to a breakthrough: an accurate prediction of fruit sweetness. Dr. Zeb’s journey showcases this technology’s transformative power and efficiency in shaping the future of fruit quality assessment. What was most impressive was the speed of data collection and the ease of model construction, transforming a traditionally laborious process into a swift and seamless one.

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Photos from: https://tribune.com.pk/story/2419409/pakistani-scientists-develop-ai-method-to-determine-citrus-fruit-sweetness