Latest case studies

Revolutionizing the Mexican mango industry
Extensively utilizing the F-751 Mango Quality meter throughout Mexico, Dr. Jorge Osuna and his team at INIFAP have been able to apply and combine cutting edge technologies to give farmers new access to vital quality data about their mango crops.
Building stackable models for high-efficiency breeding
Plant Geneticist Alberto De Marcos and his team at Semillas Fito are using in-depth NIRS data from the F-750 Produce Quality Meter to build and stack models of quality traits to breed better varieties of nightshade and gourd crops.
Ethylene Gas Analysis & Heat Stress Treatment in Tomato Plants
Ethylene gas is produced due to stress, as it is a signaling molecule involved in stress response by plants. Hence, scientists use ethylene measurements as one of the standard procedures to monitor stress effects in crops.