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El Poder del Laboratorio en la Palma de tu Mano

Felix Instruments está organizando su primer seminario web en español a las 8 am Hora estándar del pacifico el 14 de mayo de 2020! Ivonne Chica, Gerente de Relaciones con el Cliente, y Eric Muñoz-García, del Equipo Científico, presentarán este evento centrado en los Medidores de Calidad de Aguacate y Mango F-751. Este instrumento es… Continue reading…

Consistency is Key: Best Practices for Measurement of Dry Matter & Brix with NIR

This webinar features a popular line of tools from our Felix Instruments side, the F-751 Quality Meters. These tools use a near-infrared spectrometer to gauge the maturity of different types of produce. We have had quite a few people asking about the best ways to scan the produce and how many scans they need to… Continue reading…

Consistency is Key: Best Practices for Measurement of Dry Matter & Brix with NIR

This webinar features a popular line of tools from our Felix Instruments side, the F-751 Quality Meters. These tools use a near-infrared spectrometer to gauge the maturity of different types of produce. We have had quite a few people asking about the best ways to scan the produce and how many scans they need to… Continue reading…

IICA: Dry Matter & Fruit Quality

Dr. Jorge Osuna, Priscila Henriquez and Peter Toivonen on the importance of dry matter in fruit quality assessment. Video courtesy of Dr. Osuna and IICA.  

IICA: NIR Technology for Assessing Avocado Maturity

No amount of disease prevention or technological advancements in farming and supply chain will help a poorly timed avocado harvest. Everything starts with when the avocado crop is picked. Video courtesy of Dr. Osuna and IICA.

F 751 Avo Calibration Tutorial

Step-by-step guide to calibrating your F-751 Avocado Quality Meter.