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AppBuilder Overview

User Interface & Menu Walkthrough | F-750 + F-751

This video walks users through the Gen 2 menu and UI structure for F-750 and F-751 devices.

Adjusting the Offset | F-750 + F-751

This video walks users through adjusting the offset on Gen 2 F-750 and F-751 devices.

SD Card Navigation | F-750 + F-751

This video walks users through the SD card navigation on Gen 2 F-750 and F-751 devices.

Spectroscopy and Solanaceae: Rapid Phenotyping of Nightshades Using the Felix Produce Quality Meter

Alberto De Marcos and his team at Semillas Fitó are exploring the use of NIRS to breed better varieties of seven solanaceae (nightshade) and cucurbit (gourd) crops: tomato, pepper, eggplant, melon, watermelon, zucchini, and cucumber. Application Scientist Galen George sits down with Alberto to chat about his plans to integrate the F-750 Produce Quality Meter… Continue reading…

Hass in Half the Time: Quality Testing and Applied Research with the F-751 Avocado Quality Meter

Andrea Rivera and her team at GAMA are cutting their testing time in half using the F-751 Avocado Quality Meter. In our most recent interview, Application Scientist Galen George sits down with Andrea to chat about her current projects avocado, and how her team has integrated this time-saving technology into their process.

[WEBINAR RECORDING] Phenotyping in Small Plot Agronomic Field Trials: Emerging technologies for rapid collection of actionable data

[RECORDING NOW AVAILABLE] Want to contact our panelists? Anthony Hearst Edwin Reidel Galen George Request a Quote: Progeny Drone CID Bio-Science + Felix Instruments Tens of millions of agronomic field trial plots are planted globally every year. This Expert Spotlight webinar, featuring Dr. Edwin J. Reidel of Progeny Drone Inc. and CID… Continue reading…

WEBINAR: The Future of Fruit Quality Assessment with NIRS & Artificial Neural Networks: Expert Spotlight with Professor Kerry Walsh and Nicholas Anderson

RECORDING NOW AVAILABLE: This Expert Spotlight webinar, featuring Kerry Walsh and Nic Anderson of Central Queensland University, will take a deep dive into the current and future landscape of chemometric modeling in fruit with artificial neural networks and AI. Interested in speaking with an staff scientist about our products? Schedule a live demo. This discussion… Continue reading…

F-751 Calibración de Aguacate